Chiropractor in Woodbury MN Provides Tips On Picking A Quality Shoe

Chiropractor in Woodbury MN Provides Tips On Picking A Quality Shoe

Chiropractic Woodbury MN Quality Shoe

The feet are more important than you may realize when it comes to body alignment and joint health. Our feet are the primary point of contact between our bodies and the ground. In addition, they absorb several pounds of force from our daily activities day in and day out. In other words, they serve as the base of everything that we do.  A simple way to help your body experience less pain or discomfort is to be mindful of the shoes that you wear. Top Woodbury MN chiropractor wants to help you!

Picking a quality shoe in Woodbury MN

Picking a quality shoe is imperative to foot/joint health and body alignment. However, choosing footwear is understandably overwhelming because there are so many. Nevertheless, it is wise to own separate pairs of shoes for different activities. For example, shoes for walking and running. Although they may look similar, walking shoes tend to have a thicker and stiffer soles. Running shoes, on the other hand, generally come in three different types:

If you have: Over Pronator (flat feet) >>> Motion Control Shoes

If you have: Neutral Pronator (high arch) >>> Stability shoes

If you have: Supinator (Low to medium arch) >>> Cushioning shoes

To best ensure that you are getting the best shoe for your needs, it is best to go get fitted at an athletic shoe store in Woodbury, such as Run N Fun on Randolph Ave or Running Room on Grand Ave.

In many cases, the quality of your shoe and the complete alignment of your body can be improved with custom foot orthotics. Custom foot orthotics are even known to help alleviate pain such as low back pain. At Aspire Integrated Health, we can make you high-quality custom foot orthotics for your different footwear needs. Contact us to find out more information!

9:15am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm
4:45pm - 7:00pm

9:15am - 6:00pm

9:15am - 7:00pm

7:45am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

*Red Light Hours May Vary

Aspire Integrated Health

6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125

(651) 294-2332