Natural SPF for Summer in Woodbury MN

Natural SPF for Summer in Woodbury MN

Chiropractic Woodbury MN Natural SPF

For the summer months, and actually every day throughout the year, it is very important to use the right amount of sun-block and sunscreen.  Sunscreen in Woodbury MN combines inorganic and organic chemicals that filter the light from the sun so that the rays penetrate less deep in the layers of the skin.  Sun block; however, reflects or scatters the light away so it doesn't reach the skin at all.  According to Anne Marie Helmenstine, a Chemistry expert, the reflective particles in sunblock consist of zinc oxide or titanium oxide.  The everyday sunscreen includes sun blocks already as a part of their active ingredients.

What does SPF stand for in Woodbury MN?

SPF is Sun Protection Factor.  It is a number that you can use to help determine how long you can stay in the sun before getting burned.  SPF is a multiplication factor.  If you can stay out in the sun 15 minutes before burning, then using sunscreen with SPF 10, would allow you to resist the sunburns for 10X longer or 150 minutes.  SPF applies only to UV-B rays, so when you are looking for products at the store to purchase, it is important to choose a product that will also have sun block because that will ensure your protection from UV-A rays as well as UV-B rays.

Rays from the sun that are filtered and blocked are called ultraviolet radiation.  There are three different parts of UV rays:

  1. UV-A rays penetrates deeply into the skin and can lead to cancer and premature skin aging.
  2. UV-B rays take part in tanning and burning of the skin
  3. UV-C rays are completely absorbed in the Earth's atmosphere.

There are other natural oils that you can use on your skin that have natural SPF, if you would like to stay away from other chemicals.  The following are just a few examples:

    1. Carrot Seed Oil- SPF 40
    2. Raspberry Seed Oil- SPF 30 (also contains Omeg-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to prevent stretch marks)
    3. Wheat Germ Oil- SPF 20 (also contains Vitamin E and antioxidants that repair cell damage)
    4. Soya Bean Oil- SPF 10 (also contains moisturizer)
    5. Coconut Oil- SPF 8 (can be used to cook with and also used as a skin and hair moisturizer)
    6. Olive Oil-SPF 8 (has unlimited antioxidants to repair cellular aging and protect your heart)

Not only is it good for you to use external products on top of your skin, but it is very important to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants that will help supply your body to prevent cancer.  Fruits and vegetables that are bright in colors: red, purple, blue, orange and yellow contain powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. Antioxidants work by scavenging for and neutralizing free radicals, reducing our risk of cancer and skin damage like wrinkles, pigmentation and loss of elasticity.  Having a healthy diet rich in fruits in vegetables has been proven to provide enough antioxidants to protect against UV stress on the body.

Omega-3 is another nutrient that reduces the risk of skin cancer.  This product cannot be produced by our bodies so we must ingest it.  This fatty acid is does not come easily from fruits and vegetables, but is contained in fish such as: salmon, sardines and tuna.  Pumpkin seeds, almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts and Brazil nuts also have their fair share of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids.

By combining all these delicious foods you will have pretty tasty meals along with good, healthy skin.

9:00am - 5:00pm

10:00am - 2:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

*Red Light Hours May Vary

Aspire Integrated Health

6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125

(651) 294-2332