How to Find a Good Chiropractor in Woodbury MN
How to find a Good Chiropractor in Woodbury MN

So your neck hurts and your friend recommended you go try a chiropractor in Woodbury MN. How do you pick a good chiropractor that fits your needs? The first way would to be ask around for a referral. More than likely a friend or family member has needed a chiropractor at some point. Ask them what they like and don't like about their chiropractor.
Finding a chiropractor in Woodbury MN
You can also call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask which providers are in your network near you. Once you narrow an office down visit their website and check their google reviews. If that passes the test give them a phone call. See how friendly the office staff is. You will be dealing with them most of your time in the office so you want them to be friendly and polite. I can tell you many of times I have called to make appointments and gotten a rude receptionist. It doesn't make for a good first impression and it is an uphill battle for me to go to that establishment. After visiting with the front desk ask to schedule an appointment. If you are timid and are not sure if you want a full visit be honest and tell them you are only looking for a consult. Most of the time they will be happy to schedule you for a free consult to speak with the chiropractor.
When you actually enter the office it needs to be clean and tidy as well as smell nice and have great temperature. Is the doctor dressed nice and appear to be well groomed? A clinic that is not well maintained in appearance shows that they do sloppy work and you don't want sloppy work done on your spine and with your health. We want our clinics to be sharp and organized. Were you greeted with a friendly hello or were you ignored? Is the paperwork easy to follow and not take too long? Did you have to wait long to be seen? These are all very important observations I use when picking a chiropractic office.
Chiropractic boils down to moving the bones and stimulating the nervous system not weight loss programs, nutrition or beauty products. Those can be saved for a nutritionist or your salon. Your chiropractor specializes in the spine and has many years experience with the spine and that is what you are there to treat. The chiropractic adjustment is so powerful you really only need the adjustment. This help stimulate the nervous system and immune system, takes pressure off of nerves for your body to function at optimal performance. Even thought the chiropractic treatment alone is so powerful there are other therapies chiropractors can apply to the patients that are all beneficial in different ways. Some may have massage, acupuncture, hot and cold packs, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, kinesiotaping or Graston, therapeutic exercise and foam rolling.
Many chiropractors sell certain types of products for you to purchase . Often times they carry a select few or the most important supplements for your body to heal and it is not meant to be a full vitamin shop establishment. We all want to be holistic but I would be leery about places that are selling beauty products especially ones that are multilevel marketing companies.
Other things I look for in a chiropractic clinic are ones that take the time to answer all my questions. Even though the doctors are busy I want to make sure I am not feeling rushed. If there is a question you would like answered ask the doctor to give you a call during a slower time of the day when they have time to give you the information you need.
Treatment does require time and effort to see results so understand it is normal for a chiropractor to recommend a series of visits just like a personal trainer would give you a plan on how to improve your exercise goals. One thing I would caution is if a chiropractor wants to put you on a plan that the original plan extends beyond three months for the initial phase of care seek another opinion! If a chiropractor tells you they recommend a years worth of care on your second visit you might want to get another opinion.
These are just some of the ideas I wanted to share with you on how to find a good chiropractor. If you have any questions or need that second opinion I would be happy to help answer any questions for you. Please feel free to give our office a call and we would be glad to speak with you.
Dr. Lindsey Tevlin
9:15am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 2:00pm
4:45pm - 7:00pm
9:15am - 6:00pm
9:15am - 7:00pm
7:45am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
*Red Light Hours May Vary
Aspire Integrated Health
6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125