How Stress Affects You in Woodbury MN

How Stress Affects You in Woodbury MN

Chiropractic Woodbury MN Stressed

Stress in Woodbury MN affects the mind, body and behavior in many ways and everyone experiences stress differently. There are three basic types of stress: our environment, physical and our emotions. Environmental stresses are things like noise, weather and physical threats. Body or physical stress includes disease processes, organ malfunction, poor nutrition, poor sleep and physical injury. Emotional stress can be a bit harder to define but it encompasses our reactions, in thought and emotion, to environmental and physical stressors.

No matter what the trigger, stress creates a fight or flight response which can increase heart rate, blood volume and pressure. It can cause your adrenal glands to secrete corticoids including adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine. This release of chemicals from the adrenal gland is useful when we are running away from a bear, but in regular environments the build- up of these chemicals in the body can eventually cause us harm.

Stress Weakens Your Immune System in Woodbury MN

The connection between mind and body are often underestimated, but everyone's experienced a cold when they can least afford to. That's because stress is so demanding on the body that the immune system suffers, making you more vulnerable to colds and infection.

Stress Can Bring Out Disease

Some people are more prone to certain diseases, and chronic stress can give these conditions the green light. Stress has been linked to cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents and cirrhosis of the liver (a side effect of combating with stress with alcohol).

Stress Can Bring out Gastrointestinal Problems

When you're stressed, you may eat much more or much less than you usually do. If you eat more or different foods, or increase your use of alcohol or tobacco, you can experience heartburn or acid reflux. Stress or exhaustion can also increase the severity of heartburn pain.

Your brain becomes more alert to sensations in your stomach. Your stomach can react with "butterflies" or even nausea or pain. You may vomit if the stress is severe enough. And, if the stress becomes chronic, you may develop ulcers or severe stomach pain even without ulcers.

Stress can also affect digestion, and what nutrients your intestines absorb. It can also affect how fast food moves through your body. You may find that you have either diarrhea or constipation.

How Stress Affects Your Spine

Chronic stress can create prolonged muscle tension and contraction. This muscle tension creates uneven pressures on the bony structures of the body, often leading to the misalignment of the spinal column. The chiropractic adjustment releases muscle tension, which then helps the body return to a more balanced relaxed state. Adjustments also reduce spinal nerve irritation and improve blood circulation. These changes, in many cases, allow the brain to turn off the fight or flight response and can help begin the process of healing. So, even though the adjustment is a physical adjustment the effects can help release discomforts that have been causing and are caused by emotional stress. Chiropractic care provides an opportunity where the realignment of the spine and the resulting relief of physical stressors may result in the reduction of chronic emotional stress and anxiety.

Ways To Manage Stress

If you have stress symptoms, taking steps to manage your stress can have numerous health benefits. Explore stress management strategies, such as:

  • Physical activity
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Proper Sleep
  • Balanced Diet

Quick stress relief

The best way to reduce stress quickly and reliably is by using your senses-what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch-or through movement. For example, view a favorite photo, smelling a specific scent, listening to your favorite music, tasting a piece of gum, or hugging a pet. You can quickly relax and focus yourself. Of course, not everyone responds to each sensory experience in the same way. Something that relaxes one person may do nothing but irritate someone else. The key is to experiment with your senses and discover the sensory experiences that work best for you.

9:15am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm
4:45pm - 7:00pm

9:15am - 6:00pm

9:15am - 7:00pm

7:45am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

*Red Light Hours May Vary

Aspire Integrated Health

6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125

(651) 294-2332