Frequently Asked Questions in Woodbury MN
Find the answers below to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractors in Woodbury MN. Having the answers to these key questions can help you choose the right Woodbury MN chiropractor for you. If you don't see the answer below to a question you have, reach out to Aspire Integrated Health at (651) 294-2332 and our team can help!
How does a chiropractor help sciatica?
Sciatica is a symptom of the sciatic nerve being pinched. The number one cause of sciatica comes from a disc bulge or herniation in the low back. The second cause of sciatica is a tight muscle called the piriformis muscle in the buttocks. Chiropractors will treat both the low back and the tight muscles as well as give you tips on how to strengthen your core to help take pressure off of the low back.
What types of pain do chiropractors treat?
Do chiropractic adjustments hurt?
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Why do adjustments sometimes make a popping sound?
Are all patients adjusted the same way?
Will a chiropractic adjustment completely remove back pain?
Can I learn to adjust myself?
Will I be required to remove my clothing at my appointment?
Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children?
What type of education and training do chiropractors have?
How do you know if your body is out of alignment?
How long does a pinched nerve in the neck last?
How much does a chiropractic care cost?
Can I get chiropractic care during pregnancy?
How do you fix middle back pain in children?
How long do chiropractic hip adjustments last?
Can a chiropractor fix uneven hips?
How does a chiropractor adjust your pelvis?
9:15am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 2:00pm
4:45pm - 7:00pm
9:15am - 6:00pm
9:15am - 7:00pm
7:45am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
*Red Light Hours May Vary
Aspire Integrated Health
6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125