Chiropractic Fact vs. Myth in Woodbury MN
Chiropractic Fact vs. Myth in Woodbury MN

When it comes to chiropractic care in Woodbury MN there are many questions that people may have when it comes to their personal care.
Here is a few Myth vs. Fact issues in Woodbury MN
1) Is it painful to be adjusted? A. Myth- people usually do not feel pain, but it depends on the joint that is being adjusted. Most people love being adjusted and feel relief; however, if it is your first time being adjusted you may feel some soreness in which case icing and stretches may be recommended by your physician.
2) Once you get adjusted do you have to keep going? A. This is a little tricky, of course you don't "HAVE" to keep coming, but hopefully you will "WANT" to keep getting adjusted because you will understand what your body needs in order to stay healthy.
3) Chiropractic care is only for your spine? A.Myth-Chiropractors are specialized in adjusting many different joints in the body, some for example: knee joints, shoulders, hip joints, the jaw, fingers/toes, pubic joint and more.
4) Is it pertinent to get your body adjusted immediately after an accident? A.Fact- It is always important to have your body checked by a physician to make sure that your body is cleared of broken bones, possible internal/external bleeding, contusions, concussions, etc. After that, it is also a good thing to have your spine checked by a chiropractor to make sure your spine is in tact. Accidents can cause many issues in the body so please get yourself in to see someone as soon as possible.
5) All multi-vitamins are created equal? A. Myth-usually the more you spend on vitamins the higher the quality of vitamins you are getting. Please pay attention to the labels especially when it comes to allergens. Try to avoid the big chain stores such as Target/Walmart. Find a specific vitamin store such as the Vitamin Shoppe. All bodies are different, having said that a pregnant woman will need different supplements versus an athlete for example. Do not hesitate to ask the customer service in the vitamin store or your physician for help.
6) If you put your Fish Oil in the freezer and it freezes, it is a poor quality of Fish Oil? A.Fact- The fish oil should stay gelatinous in the freezer.
7) Taking care of your spine means taking care of your entire body? A.Fact- When a chiropractor removes interference from the brain to the rest of the body (making an adjustment in the spine and other joints in the body) the body is then allowed to function at its absolute best.
9:15am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 2:00pm
4:45pm - 7:00pm
9:15am - 6:00pm
9:15am - 7:00pm
7:45am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
*Red Light Hours May Vary
Aspire Integrated Health
6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125