Aspire Integrated Health Blog

Respiratory Disease in Woodbury MN

Respiratory Disease in Woodbury MN

Respiratory disease in Woodbury MN The lungs and the affects of chiropractic adjustments in Woodbury MN. Asthma is a very serious disease that can be life threatening in some cases. Allergens or over-exertion that cause the bronchioles, the smallest air passage ways in the lungs, to spasm and become congested with mucus can cause attacks.…

Post-Surgery Adjustments in Woodbury MN

Post-Surgery Adjustments in Woodbury MN

Post-surgery adjusmtents in Woodbury MN Back surgery and chiropractic care in Woodbury MN. Have you had recent surgery on your spine? What are you doing in order to protect your spine post-op? When do you know when it’s appropriate to go back to your chiropractor after surgery? Adjustments in Woodbury MN There are many things…

How to Find a Good Chiropractor in Woodbury MN

How to Find a Good Chiropractor in Woodbury MN

How to find a Good Chiropractor in Woodbury MN So your neck hurts and your friend recommended you go try a chiropractor in Woodbury MN. How do you pick a good chiropractor that fits your needs? The first way would to be ask around for a referral. More than likely a friend or family member…

Tooth Care in Woodbury MN

Tooth Care in Woodbury MN

Tooth Care in Woodbury MN Toothpaste Color Codes in Woodbury MN. There has been a photo trickling around that contains three different toothpastes with different colors codes on them. It has been said that the different colors describe the content of what is in the toothpaste, but this is false. The different color codes on…

Improve Your Health with Whole Body Vibration in Woodbury MN

Improve Your Health with Whole Body Vibration in Woodbury MN

Improve Your Health with Whole Body Vibration in Woodbury MN In ten minutes you can build muscle strength, increase bone density, increase brain function and stimulate your immune system! How can that be done? Those are just some of the benefits of whole body vibration in Woodbury MN.   Whole Body Vibration in Woodbury MN…

Inversion Therapy in Woodbury MN

Inversion Therapy in Woodbury MN

Inversion Therapy in Woodbury MN Facts about Inversion Tables By: Dr. Christine Bartholomew, D.C. The topic today is about inversion tables in Woodbury MN and do they really help? I occasionally get questions about inversion tables by my patients and the real question is do they work? My usual response is “Yes, it will help…