Aspire Integrated Health Blog

TMJ Prevention in Woodbury MN

TMJ Prevention in Woodbury MN

TMJ Prevention in Woodbury MN Learn how to prevent TMJ in Woodbury MN. What is TMJ in Woodbury MN? TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is a structure composed of your muscles, tendons and bones. This joint connects your jaw to your skull. When this joint is injured it can cause the following symptoms: pain in the jaw…

Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN We borrow the definition of cervicogenic dizziness from Furman and Cassw: “a nonspecific sensation of altered orientation in space and dysequilibrium originating from abnormal afferent activity from the neck.” Check out this article from our Woodbury MN chiropractor. Preventing Cervicogenic Vertigo after an Accident in Woodbury MN…

Increase your vitamin D

Increase your vitamin D

Increase your vitamin D in Woodbury MN Fight D’eficiency, take your Vitamin D in Woodbury MN!!! Vitamin D is very beneficial to your body. It helps with maintaining the strength in your bones, mineral absorption , cellular processes and the immune system. During the months where it is nice to be outside, it is easy…

Vehicle Accidents in Woodbury MN

Vehicle Accidents in Woodbury MN

Vehicle Accidents in Woodbury MN What to do when in a recent car accident in Woodbury MN? How we can help in Woodbury MN Over the last couple of years, I have noticed that it is quite common for those who have gotten into a car accident, but there was no apparent damage to their…

Yoga Poses to Help Strengthen the Back in Woodbury MN

Yoga Poses to Help Strengthen the Back in Woodbury MN

Yoga Poses to help strengthen the back in Woodbury MN How can yoga poses in Woodbury MN can help strengthen your back? Yoga Poses in Woodbury MN Upper back pain, neck pain and low back pain are becoming more frequent in the chiropractic office. There are many people who experience these pains from working at…

Preventing Slips and Falls in Woodbury MN

Preventing Slips and Falls in Woodbury MN

Preventing Slips and Falls in Woodbury MN The majority of slips and falls in Woodbury MN occur at the same level ground and can happen due to the following: obstructed view, poor lighting, objects in the way, spills or oily surfaces, weather hazards, uncovered cords and cables, unanchored rugs and mats, uneven walking surfaces, etc.…