Aspire Integrated Health Blog

Kinesiotape 101 in Woodbury MN

Kinesiotape 101 in Woodbury MN

Kinesiotape 101 in Woodbury MN Now Introducing Kinesio Tape in Woodbury MN! Aspire Integrated Health St. Paul, Minnesota is now adding Kinesio taping into the practice. What is Kinesio tape in Woodbury MN? This special, stretchy tape has the flexibility to stretch lengthwise by about 55-60% of it’s resting length. This degree of stretch is…

Acupuncture for Newbies in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture for Newbies in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture for Newbies in Woodbury MN “Acupuncture in Woodbury MN? No thanks. I don’t like needles.” This is the response to the idea for 80% of Americans when I first tell them what I do. It’s a totally natural reaction. We have zero positive associations with needles growing up in the United States. Needles hurt.…

Benefits of Magnesium in Woodbury MN

Benefits of Magnesium in Woodbury MN

Benefits of Magnesium in Woodbury MN Low Energy? Fatigue? Headaches? Could it be magnesium deficiency in Woodbury MN? Magnesium is a vital mineral within our cells. It is an important component in heart health, metabolism regulation, bone and teeth formation, nervous system function and muscle relaxation. Most importantly, magnesium is responsible for regulating cellular energy…

How to Use a Foam Roller for Headaches in Woodbury MN

How to Use a Foam Roller for Headaches in Woodbury MN

How to use a foam roller for headaches in Woodbury MN Foam Rolling 101 What is a headache in Woodbury MN? A headache is pain that is positioned in any region of the head. It can be on both sides or it can be one-sided. The pain can also radiate from one position to another.…

Indoor and Outdoor Activities for When it SNOWS in Woodbury MN!

Indoor and Outdoor Activities for When it SNOWS in Woodbury MN!

Indoor and Outdoor Activities for when it SNOWS How to Use a Foam Roller for Headaches in Woodbury MN! Bundle up so you don’t freeze and get outside and try some winter activities or get your cozy jammies on and stay inside! Getting outside in Woodbury MN with the fresh air during the winter months…

Why Parents Need Chiropractic Care in Woodbury MN

Why Parents Need Chiropractic Care in Woodbury MN

Why Parents Need Chiropractic Care in Woodbury MN Chiropractic Benefits to Parents in Woodbury MN. Chiropractic for parents in Woodbury MN Physical Stress: Carrying around children on your hip, nursing an infant or piggy backing a preschooler all take their toll on the body. Not to mention the wrestling, and ninja skills you adapt when…