Aspire Integrated Health Blog

Chiropractic Fact vs. Myth in Woodbury MN

Chiropractic Fact vs. Myth in Woodbury MN

Chiropractic Fact vs. Myth in Woodbury MN When it comes to chiropractic care in Woodbury MN there are many questions that people may have when it comes to their personal care. Here is a few Myth vs. Fact issues in Woodbury MN 1) Is it painful to be adjusted? A. Myth- people usually do not…

Acupuncture Speeds Stroke and Concussion Recovery in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture Speeds Stroke and Concussion Recovery in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture Speeds Stroke and Concussion Recovery in Woodbury MN Acupuncture treatment in Woodbury MN of concussion and stroke is one of that areas in which you hear frequent “miracle” stories.  YouTube is full of videos showing patients recovering motion in paralyzed areas after acupuncture treatment.  A Ram Das biographic documentary shows a segment in which…

Acupuncture Helps Headaches and Migraines in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture Helps Headaches and Migraines in Woodbury MN

Acupuncture Helps Headaches and Migraines in Woodbury MN A recent article in the Washington Post has been making the rounds online, detailing one woman’s story of trying several different treatments for her persistent migraines and settling on acupuncture. See below for the link and what our Woodbury MN chiropractor has to say. Headaches in Woodbury…

Tennis Elbow Treatments in Woodbury MN

Tennis Elbow Treatments in Woodbury MN

Tennis Elbow Treatments in Woodbury MN Have you ever experienced pain or discomfort in your elbow or wrists in Woodbury MN? A large number of us find ourselves spending more time sitting at a desk all day, using the mouse or maybe on our smart phones all day. Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow is not…

Is Acupuncture Fake in Woodbury MN?

Is Acupuncture Fake in Woodbury MN?

Is Acupuncture Fake in Woodbury MN? I run into many people who “don’t believe in” acupuncture. Luckily, you don’t have to believe in it for it to be effective. I sure didn’t believe in it when I got my first acupuncture treatment, and it blew me away with how well it worked. There are plenty…

Are You Suffering From a Workers’ Compensation Injury in Woodbury MN?

Are You Suffering From a Workers’ Compensation Injury in Woodbury MN?

Are You Suffering From a Workers’ Compensation Injury in Woodbury MN? Getting injured on the job is a scary and stressful time. You may need to be off of work and the bills are starting to pile up but seeking the proper medical care can speed the recovery! Did you know 80% of workers’ compensation…