Aspire Integrated Health Blog

What Happens to the Body When in a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

What Happens to the Body When in a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

What happens to the body when in a car accident in Woodbury MN What happens to your body when one is in an accident in Woodbury MN? Recently in an accident? Have you felt any of the following symptoms? Neck pain and/or Headaches Irritability Lack of concentration Numbness/tingling Back pain Overall stiffness Depression Can’t sleep…

Do’s and Don’ts With Stretching in Woodbury MN

Do’s and Don’ts With Stretching in Woodbury MN

Do’s and Don’ts with Stretching in Woodbury MN When one is trying to increase their flexibility in their muscles and joints in Woodbury MN it is very important to follow the Do’s and Don’ts of stretching.  According to the American College of Sports Medicine it is beneficial to stretch the major group muscles about 2-3…

How Sugar Harms Your Health in Woodbury MN

How Sugar Harms Your Health in Woodbury MN

How Sugar Harms Your Health in Woodbury MN It’s delicious in Woodbury MN, but it’s not your friend. I get it. I have a huge sweet tooth myself. I need a treat. Just a little pick me up. It’s the only unhealthy thing I put into my body. I’ve had a rough day. It’s hard…

Natural SPF for Summer in Woodbury MN

Natural SPF for Summer in Woodbury MN

Natural SPF for Summer in Woodbury MN For the summer months, and actually every day throughout the year, it is very important to use the right amount of sun-block and sunscreen.  Sunscreen in Woodbury MN combines inorganic and organic chemicals that filter the light from the sun so that the rays penetrate less deep in…

Signs of Low Potassium in Woodbury MN

Signs of Low Potassium in Woodbury MN

Signs of Low Potassium in Woodbury MN Bananas are well known for being a good source of potassium but did you know they are not the best source? There are 16 essential minerals that your body needs to maintain optimal functioning. Potassium in Woodbury MN is a mineral used in your body to maintain a…

Deck of Cards Workout in Woodbury MN

Deck of Cards Workout in Woodbury MN

Deck of Cards Workout in Woodbury MN Workouts in Woodbury MN don’t require a gym membership or fancy shoes. Here is a simple workout you can do at home with nothing other than a deck of cards. Assign each suit an exercise in Woodbury MN. The card value equals the number of repetitions. J=11 Q=12…