Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

Preventing Dizziness after a Car Accident in Woodbury MN

We borrow the definition of cervicogenic dizziness from Furman and Cassw: "a nonspecific sensation of altered orientation in space and dysequilibrium originating from abnormal afferent activity from the neck."

Check out this article from our Woodbury MN chiropractor.

Preventing Cervicogenic Vertigo after an Accident in Woodbury MN

During an auto accident, for example, the head can be forced traumatically forward and backward causing what we call "Whiplash injury." The body has an amazing ability to keep your body up and prevent injury. Bracing for the accident in anticipation can cause more problems as the body, if brased, will tighten up. This tightening can cause severe tension especially within the cervical spinal muscles. The patient may complain about sharp and or dull pain, an un-easy gatewalking on level ground, headaches and limited range of motion in the neck. Cervicogenic dizziness is most often associated with flexion-extension injuries and has been reported in patients with severe cervical arthritis, herniated cervical disks and head trauma.

In the 1950'a there was a study using 3 types of patients with: cervical spondylosis, patients treated with cervical traction and patients following neck trauma. The persons conducting the experiments found that by injecting anesthetics into the posterior cervical muscles of the patients it caused disequilibrium, a strong sensation of being off balance that the patients then tilted their heads to the side of the injection. Therefore, the muscles were relieved of their tension by a positive afferent nerve impulse that can decrease the dysequlibrium and dizziness in the patient.

Many things can cause dizziness and an imbalance of the equilibrium so it is imperative that your primary care giver properly diagnoses what is the cause. With whiplash injuries, moderate to severe muscle spasms are very common especially in the neck and upper back muscles. Because the muscles are all connected by the connective fascia that surrounds and intertwines between the muscles, the muscles can form adhesions, lactic acid build-up, scar-tissue build-up and trigger points. These can cause serious dysfunction within the muscle itself. When the muscles cannot function properly the patients can experience a lack of range of motion, pain and stiffness. These nasty trigger points and spasms can also be causing the dizziness due to the tightness and sense of unequal levelness.

If you are not rushed to the hospital after your accident, it is imperative that your body is checked immediately after an accident. Your primary care physician should rule out the major things first, such as broken bones, concussions/traumatic brain injuries, etc. Secondary to that, it is in my opinion that your spine be checked for subluxations or misalignments. Misalignments can cause interference from the brain to the rest of the body; therefore, denying the natural innate ability for the body to heal itself. After a car accident it is common that the body has multiple vertebrae out of alignment that can cause nerve irritation to the muscles causing flare ups and pain. In my experience, when muscles work (massage/therapeutic exercises)is used in combination with chiropractic adjustments, the patients bounce back much quicker and respond with less pain.

If you have been in an accident please see us or your local chiropractor for help!

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Christine Bartholomew

9:00am - 5:00pm

10:00am - 2:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

*Red Light Hours May Vary

Aspire Integrated Health

6445 Lake Rd Terrace #302
Woodbury, MN 55125

(651) 294-2332